Reepham Society Publications
Reepham Society Publications
1976 to 2014
Reepham Society Publications
Collection Items
Harry Hawes' Walk
Written to accompany the Reepham Society 2003 History Exhibition this publication uses quotes from Harry Hawes' memories of the town in the late 1800s to illustrate a history of the main buildings and their occupiers and their trades in the centre of…
Reepham Town Band
History of Reepham Town Band from its beginnings in 1916 until 1984 when it became Matthews Norfolk Brass with financial support from Bernard Matthews.
Reepham Society Magazine Millennium Edition
The Archive holds a stock of about 30 Magazines in 2020.
There are some unfortunate errors in this magazine. A photograph of Ron Gibbs appears as Ann Dickenson's father. Her father was Fred. J. Gibbs.
GB-REE-1707191706a.pdf is the OCR version…
There are some unfortunate errors in this magazine. A photograph of Ron Gibbs appears as Ann Dickenson's father. Her father was Fred. J. Gibbs.
GB-REE-1707191706a.pdf is the OCR version…
Poems from Reepham
These poems are selected from a large number of poems submitted to a poetry competition which was part of the Reepham Literature Festival in 1999
My Town
Historical background of Reepham & surrounding parishes with detailed personal recollections from the 1920s & 1930s of the streets, shops, trades, buildings, residents & notable characters.
Topic Headings:-
Reepham Market Place & Trade 1920-1939…
Topic Headings:-
Reepham Market Place & Trade 1920-1939…
Collection Tree
- [Unavailable]
- Reepham Society Publications