Browse Items (901 total)

GB-REE-220206 1545 WhitwellTithe1844sample.pdf
A page of sample extracts from a complete digital copy of Whitwell tithe map & apportionments. The document was begun in 1844. Areas of land on the map are numbered and a list of landowners shows the land they owned & the names of occupiers.…

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Notes on tanning and tanneries in Reepham from before 1603 to 1905 : photographs of Whitwell Hall : maps of Whitwell Common and Whitwell Hall : further notes about tanned leather in Warehouse.

Background to The Star, a public house on Whitwell Street, with details about its landlords William Morris and Frederick Watson.

GB-REE-2104091315 THRem.pdf
An account of Tony Hawes' first job as a junior clerk in Barclay's Bank, Reepham, in the 1950s. Brief mention is made of the people who ran the shops in the Market Place, e.g. Ned & Marjorie Gibbs, the Chapmans, Bert Hall, Donald (?) Watson at the…

GB-REE-2403171700 Whitwell Station.jpg
Locomotive No. 56 at Whitwell Station.

GB-REE-2403171630 Whitwell Station EW.jpg
Sepia postcard of Whitwell Station showing platforms & signal box, possibly 1911.

Whitwell Station in disrepair. The station, which was on the former Midland & Great Northern Railway, has now been restored.

GB-REE-2111301515 MNFHS Whitwell Rd CemCover.pdf
Details of the memorial inscriptions of the cemetery on Whitwell Road, Reepham. Includes plans of the burial ground and an index to names, places & occupations recorded on the memorials. The introduction is included here.

Whitwell Low Common.pdf
An article on the history and management of Whitwell Common, now a Site of Special Scientific Interest near Reepham

GB-REE-2104251730 Whit Hall Families KN.pdf
Calendar of families owning or occupying Whitwell Hall beginning with Augustine Messenger in 1659.

Preparatory H/W Notes in K Nightingale [File 10]

GB-REE-2107071645 Whitwell Hall Country Centre.pdf
Undated booklet describing the situation of Whitwell Hall and the activities and facilities available for educational groups at the country centre.

Tracing of Whitwell Hall and Grounds from the copy of a deed 19 February 1883, recording the sale of Glebe land at Whitwell Hall by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to Robert Leamon.
This is of interest as the Chapel of St Nicholas is mentioned in…

Whitwell Hall.pdf
A history of Whitwell Hall and Estate from Anglo Saxon times to the present (1994).

Twentieth century photograph of the hall. Currently an educational establishment offering camping & open air experiences to school pupils.

Drawing of the hall, once the home of the Leamon family.

In 1992 the Reepham Society nominated Whitwell Common for Broadland's Green Award. Whitwell Common did not receive the award.The notes are held for the background information they contain:- nomination forms and reports on Whitwell Common Volunteers'…

24.3.22 maps08368_24.3.22 maps08369.jpg
Tracing made by Kate Nightingale made 5 March 1993 of a map belonging to Mr Tony Ivins of Whitwell Hall. See also GB/REE/2108041645, Occupants of Whitwell Common Cottages in 1905 & 1971 by Ann Middlemas

GB-REE-2108241545 WCommon 2017.pdf
Collage of photographs recording flowers & insects present on the common in July 2017. No text.

GB-REE-2109051730 WCommon GrazingRights.pdf
Documents connected with grazing rights on Whitwell Common including a list of commoners from 1924 & a letter from 1928 informing them about changes in the rules.
The commoners were entitled, for 5 shillings a year, to graze up to two split-hoof…

whitwell and the muddle and go nowhere.pdf
A history of Whitwell & Reepham Station and the Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway (M&GN) from the station opening in 1882 to 1959 when passenger services ceased.
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