Browse Items (901 total)

GB-REE-2501041155 Mkt Place twds Church1914.jpg
View towards St. Michael's tower including Peck's shop. Newsboards report the disappearance of Gustav Hamel in May 1914. Hamel was a famous pioneering aviator and was flying from Paris to Hendon when his plane disappeared over the Channel after…

GB-REE-2501041150 Mkt Place South West 1905.jpg
View across the Market Place showing Stoner's shop, Austin the butcher and the Sun Inn. Possiblly taken at the end of market day, judging by the number of carts still parked.

GB-REE-2501041145 MethChapel.jpg
View of the Methodist Chapel taken from the cottages opposite the car park on Station Road.

GB-REE-2501041145 Norwich Road twds churches.jpg
View of Norwich Road towards the churches, taken from the junction with Bircham Road.

GB-REE-2501041130 Norwich Road to East ST pc.jpg
View along Norwich Road with schoolchildren on left, saddler's shop on right and Gray's bootmaker shop further down the road.

GB-REE-2501041145 Eglington & Gooch Work Yard.jpg
Eglington & Gooch's works existed on the site of the current Spar shop in Ollands Road employing a variety of skilled workmen, blacksmiths, carpenters, wheelwrights and farriers.

GB-REE-2501041130 Sidney Eglington outside Gibbs EW.jpg
Sidney Eglington having a rest outside Gibbs shop. There appears to be some kind of shelter in front of Hackford House.

GB-REE-2501041120 Hospital Blues.jpg
Group of soldiers in their 'Hospital Blues' outside the back of Hackford House, later to become the Bircham Centre. The house included a room or rooms for recreation and for extra beds.

GB-REE-2501041115 Dewing & Gibbs with soldiers.jpg
Nurses Mabel Dewing & Evelyn Gibbs with unknown soldiers.

GB-REE-2501041100 Towns End EW.jpg
View from Towns End towards the Market Place. Gibbs has water tanks on sale, Frost's garage is selling BP & Shell petrol, & Mrs. Fred Gibbs' new shop can just be seen on the RH edge.

GB-REE-2501041030 Mkt Pl South.jpg
South side of the Market Place looking towards the KIngs Arms. D. & H. Kendall Chapman's premises show that the post office has removed & now sells cards, stationery, sweets, Walls Ice Cream etc.Note the white telephone box.

GB-REE-2501041015 Back Street.jpg
View along Back Street from beside The Oaks looking west towards School Road. Back wall of Kings Arms on right, part of Nelson Cottage visible on left.

GB-REE-2010211211 Mkt Pl SWest1923.jpg
View from the Market Place towards Dereham Road. Utting the butcher and Jewell the drug & photographic shops in view.

GB-REE-2501021645 Special 1977.jpg
Silver Jubilee Train to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of passenger services on the Wroxham to County School branch line.


GB-REE-2501021615 Armistice Day Parade.jpg
Parade assembled in Market Place, date unknown.


GB-REE-2501021600 Market Place to West EW.jpg
View from the Market Place towards Dereham Road. Barclays Bank on the right and Utting the butcher has been replaced with Wright, a fishmonger.

Kendall Chapman postcard.

GB-REE-2501021500 School Road EW.jpg
View looking down School Road from the school gates with Massey & Bridges garage in the distance.

GB-REE-250101600 Marriage 1913.pdf
Extract from Sparham Deanery Magazine giving details of Daisy Burton's marriage to Alfred Morris Mole in 1913,

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GB-REE-1707261030 Red Cross Hospital 1917.jpg
Extract from a booklet issued to publicise the efforts made to the convalescence of wounded soldiers. Photograph taken at the back of the Bircham Centre

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GB-REE-2402261530 From St Michael's Tower GM.jpg
Bird's eye view of the Market Place showing Woods' shop and Peck's stores. The rear of the Bircham Centre is shown clearly on the left.

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