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Back Street
Modern view of Back Street with the Bar Lane archway & the house that was the Greyhound public house on the left.
Tags: Back Street, Greyhound
Back Street
View along Back Street from beside The Oaks looking west towards School Road. Back wall of Kings Arms on right, part of Nelson Cottage visible on left.
Tags: Back Street
Back Street, early 1900s
Postcard is marked 'Church Street, Reepham', on the front.View from beside archway to Bar Lane looking down Back Street. Greyhound has very large board over the door. Three people outside - annotation on back says they are 'Watson family, Grey barber…
Tags: Back Street, Bar Lane, barber, Church Street, Greyhound, RL Calendar 2014, Watson
Band at Oulton Broad, May 1978
Band at Oulton Broad including some members of the Reepham Band:Back Row: Bill Movely, Leslie Coe, David Foulger, David ?, Terry Norman (conductor), Trevor ?, David Dack, Les Smith, Colin Failes. Centre Row: Philip Musket, Andrew Norman, Shelia ?, ?,…
Baptist Chapel
Very poor image of the chapel that stood in Fisher's Alley. (Included for historical reference.) Built in 1842 as a Baptist Chapel, later used by a Free Methodist group. After Methodist Union in 1935 it was used as a carpenter's workshop and later…
Tags: Fishers Alley
Bawdeswell Church before 1944
Bawdeswell's church was the only Norfolk village parish church to be destroyed in World War II. In 1944 an RAF Mosquito returning from a raid over Germany crashed into the church causing extensive damage to the church and nearby buildings.
Tags: 1920s, 1944, Bawdeswell, EW Tan pc Album, Tuck
Bawdeswell Post Office
Sign reads: A.E.BUSH, Grocer and Draper Alfred Bush and his wife Sybil ran the post office in Bawdeswell from 1920 to 1937 when the post office was taken over by the Whybrows.Notes on the post office included in File 12.
Bawdeswell School
Bawdeswell School in early 1900s, with 37 children and two adults. On reverse:Bawdeswell School,Sydney Lambert middle of top row (marked with a blue cross).
Tags: 1900s, Bawdeswell School, Lambert
Bawdeswell School
Postcard showing 55 pupils at Bawdeswell School in the early 1900s.On the reverse:Bawdeswell School, Sydney Lambert in middle of top row, marked with a blue cross.
Tags: 1900s, Bawdeswell, Bawdeswell School, Lambert, Whall
Bawdeswell School 1941
Back row:Peter Bacon, Colin Buxton, John AmisMiddle row:Doreen Hagen, Bridget Curry, Janet Pratt, Evelyn Lambert (now Whall)Front row:Norman Whybrow, Maud ?, Keith Barrett, Maureen ?The headmaster, not shown, was Mr. Stebbings and another school…
Bawdeswell Street
B&W unused postcard with a view of Bawdeswell Street looking east towards the church wall and showing village shop, advertisement signs and a parked car.
Tags: 1920s, Bawdeswell
Beaver House, Norwich Road
Beaver House, Norwich Road, 1900s
Lighted sign reads: Vet Surgeon, F B Taylor
Man in doorway probably Arnold Beaver
Lighted sign reads: Vet Surgeon, F B Taylor
Man in doorway probably Arnold Beaver
Bircham Centre
Presented to the town by Samuel Bircham in 1919 as a reading room and social centre, it continues to be a valuable meeting centre under the control of a board of trustees. It also houses the Reepham branch of Norfolk Public Libraries. Originally…
Tags: Bircham Centre, Hackford House
Bircham Centre & Kings Arms
Aerial view of Reepham Market Place showing Bircham Centre, Kings Arms and shops opposite Post Office. "Hardiment's Stores" painted on wall of corner shop.Outside Bircham Centre - white telephone box, no bus shelter.
Tags: aerial, Bircham Centre, Hardiment's Stores, Kings Arms
Bircham Centre Archive Rooms
Article from the Eastern Daily Press in 2013 recording the opening of the Bircham Centre Archive Rooms, with illustrations of the Memorabilia Room.
Main photo Gill Wheatley : Administrator
Below Kate Brewster and Sue Ivins, Chair of the…
Main photo Gill Wheatley : Administrator
Below Kate Brewster and Sue Ivins, Chair of the…
Tags: Archive Rooms, Bircham Centre, Ivins