Reepham Primary School : 1911-12


Reepham Primary School : 1911-12




Also known as Hackford School
Group of 36 children

Front row from R to L :
1 Arthur Hardiment : 2 Sidney Hardiment
(twins born 13 March 1906)
3 Donald Chapman, 5 Richard Ford

Second row from R to L 
Dollie Ford : 8 Walter Ford
Information received in March 2022 tells us that if this is a 1911-12 photograph some of the Ford children have been misidentified.
Richard Ford would have been 12, so cannot be the small child in the front row. He could be in the picture, is known to have had dark hair and is possibly the boy standing behind Walter Ford. The boy hehind Richard (second from the left in the back row) may be Ben Ford. Dolly Ford may be the girl in the second row but could also be third from the left in the back row which would mean that the Ford children were grouped together.