Observer Corps On Parade


Observer Corps On Parade




From 'Down Memory Lane' EDP undated.
Reepham W1 Royal Observer Corps on parade for photocall, 1944.
Top row: Herbert Burton, Ralph Elsden, Nora Reeve, Sid Hicks, John Ling.
Middle row L to R: Ernie Tuddenham, Gordon Frankland, Bob Smith, Horace Collison, Ernie Neil, Bob Wasey, Frank Rudd, Spider Hardiment.
Front row: Hazel Tubby, Madge Kittle, Joy Bailey, Cyril Lowe, Jean Saunders, Janet Arthurton and Barbara Jones.

Information from Derek Smith of Drayton who wrote to the EDP identifying everyone in the photo.

Hazel Dove's daughter confirmed that her mother Hazel Dove is on the far left of the front row, not Cissy Laskey as named in the original EDP caption. In the second EDP clipping she is named correctly as Hazel Tubby.

The third image is a copy of the original EDP photo. On the reverse : Observer Corps with Mrs. Dove, front line, extreme left 15178

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