All Saints, Hackford


All Saints, Hackford


Two similar drawings of the ruins of Hackford All Saints before the tower collapsed during the eighteenth century. It had previously been burnt out in a town fire in the sixteenth century. The tower was finally demolished in the 1790s.

Written underneath the first sketch:-
'The South East prospect of the ruins of Hackford Church as it appeared the 7 June 1790 taken by Wm Brady' This sketch appears on the front cover of M. J. Sayer's booklet - Reepham's Three Churches.

The second sketch seems to be a later copy of the first, signed by E.F. Boon, presumably Ethel Fanny Boon, a daughter of John Boon, Reepham shoemaker. Drawing signed E.F.B. 1908. Ethel Boon was a teacher, daughter of John Boon, shoemaker. The family lived (in 1911) in Reepham Market Place.