Valuation of the Parish of Reepham with Kerdistone


Valuation of the Parish of Reepham with Kerdistone




Valuation of Properties in the Parish of Reepham with Kerdistone with Names of Occupiers, Name of Owner, Description of Property, Estimated Extent, Estimated Rental and Rateable Value.

Hand written reference on the back of the first page of the Valuation: Parish Chest 1.9.00

The first page states:-
We do hereby certify that the Valuation of the several hereditaments comprised in the foregoing schedule is made by us in conformity with the Act of the 6th and 7th of William the Fourth entitled 'An Act to Regulate Parochial Assessments' As witness our hands this eighteenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty. John Culley, Robt Pratt.