Seven undated stereograph images of Reepham.Six of the group are a set, the seventh pair of images are mounted on a different size & kind of card.One image from each pair is shown and include :-
Two views of Church Plain
Two views towards…
Brief account of Charles' early years in Reepham. He was born in 1912. By 1921 his family was living in Bradford-on-Avon.Additional information:-
Henry Savage was born in Salle in 1868. By 1921 Henry Savage was living in Bradford on Avon, already…
Henry Pratt carried on his tailoring business in this shop in what is now Reepham's Post Office and had been a tailor's for some years. Albert Valentine KIng was a previous tailor in these premises & lived in Church Hill House. Albert was a son of…
View towards the church showing Hilton's Stores, possibly late 1930s. Church clock in situ & light strung across. Hilton's ran the shop from around 1923 until 1948.
An account of the restoration of the bells in the bell tower of St Michael's Reepham in 1977, including increasing the number of bells from six to eight.
A faded image of the Town Hall. Before the parishes were united in 1935 this was known as Hackford Parish Hall. Earlier it had been the school for the children of Hackford & Whitwell. The arch over the entrance to Bar Lane can be seen in the…
Tribute to Stanley Watson who was born in 1894 and christened as Frederick Stanley Archibald Watson. His younger brother Clifford married Violet Gore and they became the licensees of the Sun Inn. Stanley was apprenticed to Edward Gibbs and worked for…
View of the rear garden in the Old Rectory where the Rev. Wilkinson, Rector of St. Mary's, lived for many years. Possibly taken in the 1910s as there are similarities to the image in GB/REE/2008271239.
Sepia postcard of Eglington & Gooch's machine works with a large assortment of agricultural equipment. The work yard based in the area of Malthouse Yard and the site of the Spar supermarket. The name on the right-hand shed is McCormick Harvesting…
Down Memory Lane article from the Eastern Daily Press
A photograph of the Junior Band playing in 1944 at the Theatre Royal, Norwich, sent in by Ken Adcock. The second cutting is a letter from Pam Kemp (nee Reeder), also a band member.
Two images of the first prize-giving at the newly-named Reepham High School. The headmaster Mr. E. Riddle Smith giving his address to the pupils & staff.