A second guide taking the form of a Heritage Detective’s Trail around Reepham’s three churches, written by Saul Penfold and the pupils of Reepham Primary School with illustrations by Mike McEwen.
Guide to Reepham's churches with brief comments & historical information.
Written by Tony Foottit (Bishop of Lynn 1999-2003). With acknowledgements from Reepham PCC to the compilers of previous guides including N.W.Groves and Michael Sayer. It…
List of rectors & vicars of the three Reepham churches from 1261 to 1968. A framed list used to hang on the west wall of St. Mary's, behind the font. This list also appears in the booklet by M. J. Sayer 'Reepham's Three Churches'. (RS Database…
Details of the memorial inscriptions in the churches of St. Mary & St. Michael & their churchyards at Reepham, Norfolk. Includes plan of the churchyard and an index to names, places & occupations recorded on the memorials. Cover & introduction…
Aerial photograph from the north west shows both churches and Back Street & Church Street houses with their rear outbuildings. Building works in progress at York House.
Taken from elevated platform (cherry picker) showing the barns to west probably on a summer evening. North of the churches can be seen the roofs of new houses built on the site of Randell's yard.
7 costumed figures at east end of St Mary's Chancel. Mary seated and holding infant (doll?) Jesus beside empty crib. Flanked by two kneeling winged small girls. Joseph and white robed man standing behind flanked by older winged girls.