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  • Tags: 1846

GB-REE-220117 1650 RPHM&KerdistonTitheMap1846.pdf
Sample extract from a digital copy of Reepham St Mary & Kerdistone tithe map with areas of land numbered.
Parts of the map have been copied & analysed many times & results of this work are stored in the Tithe Documents Collection.

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GB-REE-2201171600 RandKLandowners1846.pdf
First page (reproduced here) gives landowners' names, acreage owned & use of that land.
Remaining faded pages list land in number order with owner, occupier, name of area (e.g. Burtons Pightle) & land usage. Information from Reepham St. Mary &…

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atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2