Reepham Fire Station 1930s
Reepham Fire Station in the Old Primitive Methodist Chapel on Dereham Road in the 1930s
In the 1920s Reepham had a horse drawn manual fire engine. The Captain was George Fisher. The next captain was Sidney Eglington and in the 1930s a steam pump was acquired from Lowestoft, this engine still had to be towed to a fire. This was soon replaced by a Dennis motorised engine.
WWII saw the end of the Volunteer Brigade when the National Fire Service was formed. After the end of the war fire fighting was the responsibility of the Counties and Reepham came under the Norfolk Fire Service.
WWII saw the end of the Volunteer Brigade when the National Fire Service was formed. After the end of the war fire fighting was the responsibility of the Counties and Reepham came under the Norfolk Fire Service.