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  • Collection: From the Archive

Letter from Andrew Hunt recalling childhood memories of the Walking Man statue in Norwich Road.

Background to the statue made by William Lain in the 1970s. The 'Walking Man' stood in the yard on Norwich Road where William Lain had a stonemasonry and sculpting business.

GBREE2203211215 WatsonHorseandCart.pdf
Family information about Stanley Watson and his wife Grace who, after Stanley's death, later married Walter Lawn.

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GBREE2203211200 Ollands.pdf
Biographical information about John Kendrew and his wife Mary who lived at The Ollands until John's death in 1914.

Sunday Schools.pdf
Photographs of a nativity play in St. Mary's in the 1950s, with details about Sunday Schools in Reepham in the 1920s.

Some information about thatched cottages in Reepham Moor and biographical details about Martin Luther Dewing, his family and his shop.

Details about Edward Jewell, his wife Sarah and their daughterElizabeth, who ran a chemist's shop in the 1920s. Also includes information about Reepham's telephone exchange.

Details about Bertie Woods, a pupil at Salle School in the early 1900s.

A record of Queen Mary's visit to hear the Reepham Junior Band in 1945.

Description of a farrier's work with more information about Sidney Eglington's agricultural machinery business and the public beer house known as the Farriers Arms.

Notes about the Oddfellows in Reepham, including the celebration dinner in 1907.

Information about Jack Brahms, billeted in Reepham during World War I.

Family details about Sidney Parker Eglington and his working partnership with his grandfather Robert Parker Gooch.

Information about the uses of a village pound. Further info from Jane Wood rcvd via Reepham Life & Ann Middlemas January 2021 :-The land surrounded by a brick wall which currently makes up the driveway and north garden of the house Moorcroft (on…

Dick Vout delivering milk on Dereham Road. Details about Edward Le Neve who lived at Tyler's Mead in the early 1900s.

Written to promote interest in the Bircham Centre centenary celebrations in summer 2019.

Nonconformist chapels and places of worship in Reepham during the 1800s and early 1900s.

Norwich Road in the early 1900s, with brief details about Beaver House, Jesse Bircham and John Rooke.
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