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  • Collection: Reepham Society Publications

History of Reepham Town Band from its beginnings in 1916 until 1984 when it became Matthews Norfolk Brass with financial support from Bernard Matthews.

The Archive holds a stock of about 30 Magazines in 2020.

There are some unfortunate errors in this magazine. A photograph of Ron Gibbs appears as Ann Dickenson's father. Her father was Fred. J. Gibbs.

GB-REE-1707191706a.pdf is the OCR version…

These poems are selected from a large number of poems submitted to a poetry competition which was part of the Reepham Literature Festival in 1999

GBREE 1605171020 My TownComplete.pdf
Historical background of Reepham & surrounding parishes with detailed personal recollections from the 1920s & 1930s of the streets, shops, trades, buildings, residents & notable characters.

Topic Headings:-
Reepham Market Place & Trade 1920-1939…

GBREE 2105031300HarryHawesWalk.pdf
Written to accompany the Reepham Society 2003 History Exhibition this publication uses quotes from Harry Hawes' memories of the town in the late 1800s to illustrate a history of the main buildings and their occupiers and their trades in the centre of…

GBREE 1703171307 Fifteen Locals.pdf
A pub crawl through history by Joyce Cox describing Reepham public houses.

An account of the box tomb located in St Mary's Church, Reepham
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