Outline history of Whitwell from Ralph, son of Ivo, at a time just after the Norman Conquest to 1680, including the owners of the Manor of Whitwell alias Gambon's from 1211-1680. Details of Ross's Manor, a beruite of Cawston, held by Harold in King…
Norfolk Research Committee : Excavation and Fieldwork to be carried out at Whitwell Hall on Saturday 31 March and Sunday 1 April - year tbc
This was part of a study course run by Chris Barringer and David Yaxley. These courses created a great…
Tracing of Whitwell Hall and Grounds from the copy of a deed 19 February 1883, recording the sale of Glebe land at Whitwell Hall by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to Robert Leamon.
This is of interest as the Chapel of St Nicholas is mentioned in…
Valuation of Properties in the Parish of Reepham with Kerdistone with Names of Occupiers, Name of Owner, Description of Property, Estimated Extent, Estimated Rental and Rateable Value.
Hand written reference on the back of the first page of the…
Bye-Laws for regulating the use of the Market Place of Hackford-next-Reepham, and for preventing nuisances or obstructions therein, with table of tolls and list of rents and stallages.
2 Copies held.
Notice of a public meeting to be held on 25 October 1929 at 8 pm in the Parish Hall.
The meeting was called to ascertain whether it was the wish of the Parish Meeting that Aylsham District Council should expend £132.10s.0d. in repairing Hackford…
Poster to advertise the dinner, church parade, Friendly Societies' Demonstration, concert by Reepham Town Prize Silver Band and Church Service held on 5 and 6 August 1933.
Transfer of copyhold of land in the manor of Kerdeston, Reiffham : Admission of William Heitland Blake on surrender of Revd Charles Thomas Fox Blake. Fox mis-transcribed, should be JexTr.Ref.No.LK_001_ADMI
Photo taken from Malthouse Yard showing South and West sides. West Gable end wall carries painted Ad for "John Wright Registered Sanitary Plumber DRAINS TESTED Decorator". Now painted over.
Taken from Norwich Road looking south, shows proprietor (Mr Brittain) standing in the corner doorway, below bracket for hanging sign (missing). Across the road mostly visible painted sign on gable end of George & Dragon advertises Bullard Ales.…
Historical background of Reepham & surrounding parishes with detailed personal recollections from the 1920s & 1930s of the streets, shops, trades, buildings, residents & notable characters.
Topic Headings:-
Reepham Market Place & Trade 1920-1939…
From south inscribed on back "Present front door - modern chimney pots on old stack"
From north inscribed on back "Moor Farm and Barn. Oldest part to L. ?Leanto kitchen"
7 costumed figures at east end of St Mary's Chancel. Mary seated and holding infant (doll?) Jesus beside empty crib. Flanked by two kneeling winged small girls. Joseph and white robed man standing behind flanked by older winged girls.