Browse Items (901 total)

1888 Gibbs Bills due copy 2.jpg
Detailed manuscript accounts book dating from the purchase of the Ironmongery and Agricultural Seed Business from Stephen Leeds in 1888 until 1915.
Business valued at £1196 on 11 October 1888.

GB-REE-1511291136 Cover.jpg
Leaflet advertising seeds and roots for farmers including mangels, swede, turnips, kale fodder beet; gives the price of 40 shillings an acre for a ley mix.

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GB-REE-1511291202 Gibbs Seed Accounts.jpg
A detailed manuscript record of seeds supplied by Edward Gibbs & Son to local growers.

Alford Family at lodge gates Robin's Lane, Reepham.jpg
The Alford family outside Lodge Cottage (now demolished) in Robin's Lane, Reepham, also referred to as Back Lane and Bar Lane.

RCP 2014 Cal front.jpg
A4 format calendar with historical photographs and smaller modern colour photographs of the same view with notes and page per month layout.

GB-REE-1601111425 Repton-Wymer1823 trans.pdf
Letter with transcript from William Repton to G Wymer, a solicitor with offices in Reepham.

William Repton was the fourth son of Humphry Repton and lived in Aylsham for many years.

Tr.Ref.No. MC_001-LETT

Absolute surrender of Hackford Hall by Eliza Ann Holley and Windham Hunt Holley Esq to Arthur Leamon.

Transcription followed by copy of document.
Tr. Ref. No. SH_001_INDE

GIBBS Edw Jnr in Rover car.jpg
Edward Gibbs in his Rover car while on leave during WWI

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Gibbs' Staff with delivery lorry

L to R :
Gordon Frankland, Ron Gibbs, Ernie Wilkinson,
Terry Arthurton

Ronald Gibbs with delivery lorry, presumably in Gibbs' yard.

Ronald was evacuated from London at the age of 8 and came to stay in Reepham with the Gibbs family. Edward Gibbs' wife Emma (whose maiden name was also Gibbs) was Ronald's great aunt. …

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Stanley Watson, ? Horn (possibly F. Hurn) & a young Gordon Frankland with horse & cart in Gibbs' yard

GB-REE-1601121408 Watson.jpg
Stanley Watson driving Gibbs' cart in Hall Road (now called Ollands Road). In the background is the old granary, later Wilkin Bros. property.

Reepham Pierrot Group was formed from members of the church choir.

L to R :-
George Cocking, Mabel Utting, Nancy Geake ,
Olive Chapman, Donald Chapman,
and Mrs Fred Gibbs (seated)

Reepham Pierrot Group was formed from members of the church choir.

L to R :-
George Cocking, boot and shoe repairer
Mabel Utting, butcher's daughter
Olive Chapman
Mrs Fred Gibbs, organist, draper & milliner, seated
Nancy Geake, Rector's…

An outdoor concert to celebrate the recent accession to the throne of King George V in May 1910. Note the crowns in the top corners of the photograph.
This was the first appearance of the newly formed group at a fete held in Dr. Perry's grounds at…

GB-REE-1601121936 Prog2.jpg
Programme of musical entertainment based on a Minstrel Show, with H. C. Peck as the Interlocutor (Master of Ceremonies). The Black Diamonds Troupe also included a Tambo and a Bones (nicknames for the musicians who played the tambourine & the…

The group includes :-
George Fisher (in white jacket)
Mr. Howe (probably) far right with hat in hand,
Benjamin Edmund Wyand - with a full beard
and G.C. Clarke, Reepham, Veterinary Inspector

Reepham Society identifications:Doorway :- Broughton, Eileen Alford, David BirdMiddle Row :- Wendy & Tessa Seely, Kathleen Middleton, Edith Pask, Sylvia Willimott, Diane Ewing the May Queen, Elizabeth MillerFront :- Pamela Lowe, Olive Secker,…

A formal dinner in Reepham Town Hall.
Names of the diners and the occasion unknown.
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