The group includes :-
George Fisher (in white jacket)
Mr. Howe (probably) far right with hat in hand,
Benjamin Edmund Wyand - with a full beard
and G.C. Clarke, Reepham, Veterinary Inspector
“Reifham St Mary with Kerdestone”, tithe alterations (altered apportionment 2), ref 1880/23/442, 25 November 1904, alterations due to the railway line.
“Reifham St Mary with Kerdestone”, tithe alterations (altered apportionment 1), ref 1880/23/442, 30 November 1882, alterations due to the railway line.
Photocopies of parts of a 17th century map of Hackford, Whitwell & Reepham, but does not include Reepham Moor or Kerdiston. It shows land in strips labelled with H, W & R representing each parish. On the colour copy some houses have chimneys shown…
A dance band whose members may have been well-known Reepham residents, playing for a 'Staff Dance'. They have either just played or are about to play a foxtrot.
Line-up : Trumpet, trombone, French horn, flute, percussion, double bass & piano.
21 June 1930 Reepham B. O. H. Band This was initially a temperance band.Back Row L to R :Jack Alford, Gordon Frankland, Victor Bishop, Fred Edgemore, Billy Alford, Sidney Frost, Archie Guyton, Sidney Hardiment,Ted Hardiment, Arthur HardimentFront Row…
Photograph possibly taken in Stewards Pasture dated 1936. E T Ruffles can be seen conducting; his suit & bowler hat suggests an earlier date.
Further undated picture from in Reepham Band Ring Binder.
Two group photographs of the band in the early uniform. The bass drum still includes the word 'Temperance'. Although not identified the second group contains many of the same faces. GB/REE/1608211244 -a Outside the Band Hall Back Row : George…
Reepham Band of Hope, a band of 18 players or less, competed in all three sections i.e. March, Hymn and Selection. The band's conductor was F. W. Wallwork.
The contest began with the March Section, all…
This photograph was originally published as a postcard by H E Tansley, a photographer in Sheringham & Cromer, to celebrate the band's success at the Crystal Palace Championships in 1936. In a later reproduction the word 'Temperance' was removed.
Front row L to R :-Geoffrey Matthews, Lesley Moy, Peter Tubby, Sheila LeeNancy Woods (later worked in Riches Stores), Lily CoxSylvia Pardon (married name Wright), Joan BarberAudrey Fuller, Margaret Mason (married name Vincent)Peggy Miller, Winnie…
Image of Reepham Band members in front of the poster advertising the Whitsuntide concerts given in Wellington Pier Gardens. On the reverse: George Lambert, Cecil Allen,George Harrison, Barney Barsted1937.
E T Ruffles standing by the poster for the Whitsun concerts in Yarmouth. Reepham Band is announced as Norfolk's Premier Band. The band's successes are listed at the bottom.
Crystal Palace Prize Winners 1936, Runners-up in the East Anglian Contest,…
A second photograph of the poster advertising the Whitsuntide concerts given by Reepham Band at Wellington PIer Gardens. George Harrison & Bernard Barsted on the right.
Programme given by Reepham Band in Wellington Pier Gardens on Whit Sunday afternoon 1937, featuring bell solo by G Lambert, cornet solo by G Harrison & vocal solos by Robert Richardson. The first of three concerts on Whit Sunday & Monday, all three…
Programme given by Reepham Band in Wellington Pier Gardens on Whit Sunday evening 1937, featuring cornet solo by H Gaskins, horn solo by S Hardiment, trombone solo by R Hunt & vocal solos by Robert Richardson. The second of three concerts on Whit…