Browse Items (901 total)
Edward Gibbs Accounts Book
Business valued at £1196 on 11 October 1888.
Tags: 1880s, Gibbs, ironmonger, Leeds
Alford Family
Tags: Alford, postman, Robins Lane
Reepham Life Calendar 2014
Tags: 1908, 1909, 1914, 1917, 1919, 1920s, 1940s, 1954, 1956, 2014, baker, Bircham Centre, Bushell, chemist, Church Street, Dereham Road, Eglington, football, Gibbs, Gray, Greyhound, Hackford School, Hardiment, Hurst, Jewell, Johnson's, Norwich Road, Old Rectory, Parson's, Peck, post office, RAYS Hall, Reeder, Robertson, School Road, soldiers, St Michael's, Sun Inn, Tym, Wallace King, Whall, Wright
Reepham Life Calendar 2015
Tags: 1830s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900s, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1920, 1947, 2015, Bass, Black Diamonds, cattle market, Cawston Road, Chilley, Cutting Station, Dereham, Eades Mill, Eglington, Fairway Garage, farrier, Farriers Arms, Fire Brigade, Fisher, Fishers Alley, floods, GER Railway, Hall Road, Higdon, Howard, Hunt, Ireland, Irelands, Jeary, Malthouse Yard, Marriots Way, Massey and Bridges, Methodist, Motts Pharmacy, Newland Villas, Old Brewery Lane, Ollands Road, Orchard Lane, Overton Way, Pightle Way, Randell, Reepham House, Reepham Moor, Reepham Station, Roy, Roys of Wroxham, Salvation Army, School Road, Self, St Michael's, station master, Station Plain, Station Road, Station Stores, steam engine, Stocks Hill, Sun Barn Pit, Sun Barn Road, The Ollands, Tuddenham, Tufts, Tym, undertaker, Whall, wheelwright, Whitwell, Whitwell Road, Willimott, Wood Dalling
Absolute surrender of Hackford Hall
Transcription followed by copy of document.
Tr. Ref. No. SH_001_INDE
Tags: 1880s, Hackford Hall, Holley, Leamon
Stanley Watson, ? Horn & Gordon Frankland
Tags: Frankland, Gibbs, Hurn, RL Calendar 2022, Watson
Stanley Watson
Tags: Hall Road, Ollands Road, RL Calendar 2020, Watson
Reepham Pierrot Group
L to R :-
George Cocking, boot and shoe repairer
Mabel Utting, butcher's daughter
Olive Chapman
Mrs Fred Gibbs, organist, draper & milliner, seated
Nancy Geake, Rector's…
Reepham Troupe of Black Diamonds
This was the first appearance of the newly formed group at a fete held in Dr. Perry's grounds at…
Tags: 1910, Black Diamonds
Programme of Entertainment by Reepham Troupe of Black Diamonds
Benjamin Edmund Wyand, and George Fisher
George Fisher (in white jacket)
Mr. Howe (probably) far right with hat in hand,
Benjamin Edmund Wyand - with a full beard
and G.C. Clarke, Reepham, Veterinary Inspector
Tags: Clarke, Fisher, Fishers Alley, grocer, Wyand