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  • Tags: The Chimes

GB-REE-2407031000 Reepham in the 1920s.pdf
Copy of an article written by the Rev. A. G. Allcock for the East Anglian Town & Country Magazine. He describes his childhood days in Reepham in the 1920s. The accompanying advertisements give a taste of the shopping opportunities in the 1970s, e.g.…

Sign declares "G. Fisher Grocer Draper and Outfitter"
Label on the back says the shop gave its name to Fisher's Alley. A second annotation says "G. Fisher mentioned in 1896 Kelly's Directory"

Taken before 1903 when the roof-line of Hall's, the…

GB-REE-1607160759 Market Place103.jpg
View towards the Market Place from the churchyard. Post Office on right.

Barclays now in post-1991 position. The Chimes is an antiques shop.

GB-REE-1606131524 Mkt Pl North East.jpg
Aerial photograph shows Chemist's shop, Old Brewery House, Old Bakery and Melton House. Top of Well Head visible.

2020 The chemist's shop was previously the Chimes Antiques premises and is currently a deli/farm shop
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