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Reepham Society Publications

Reepham Society Publications
Tithe Documents

Copies of tithe documents & maps from the 19th century. The tithe survey came about as a result of the Tithe Commutation Act 1836 designed to…

Information relating to the use of Hackford House & Reepham Town Hall as a Red Cross/VAD Hospital during WWI plus photographs of troops…
From the Archive

Illustrated articles contributed to Reepham Life and to Reepham & District Community News. From 2018 most articles related to matching months in…
Contributors: JDA
Cemeteries, Burials & Memorials

Details of burials & memorials in Reepham's churchyards & cemeteries. Includes booklets published by Mid-Norfolk FH Society and reports of the…
Salle Photograph Albums

Selection of photographs related to Salle and the Salle estate from two albums loaned with permission to copy. Most date from the 1930s. Some have…
Norfolk Heritage Explorations

1) Information collected & edited by members of the Reepham Society & its History Group during 2004/5, as Reepham's contribution to the above…
Contributors: Reepham Society & the Society's History Group
Reepham Society Newsletters

A comprehensive collection of newsletters published by the Reepham Society.
RS Exhibition 2003

Historic Buildings of Reepham held in St. Mary's Church. Choice of material inspired by 'Harry Hawes Walk' which was published in that year. Limited…
Ollands Estate

Items related to the general history of the Ollands Estate, built by William Bircham in the 1830s & the eventual demolition followed by the 'Ollands…
Ollands Road

Views of Ollands Road, Randell's premises & planning proposals for the malthouse on the bend at the bottom of Ollands Road.