Browse Items (901 total)

Sun Inn.pdf
Original and one photocopy annotated with people's names.
Mrs Violet Watson, Mr & Mrs Stanley Watson & Fred Watson. Taken about 1920. Also Morris Cowley car. Annotations differ re Licensee. and who is where. Signs for Steward & Patteson and Market…

Black Lion.pdf
Shows New Road frontage and gable end wall in Reepham Moor. Crinkle marks suggest it is a copy of an older photo.

GB-REE-1606111701 Rookery Farm.pdf
Taken from elevated platform (cherry picker) showing the barns to west probably on a summer evening. North of the churches can be seen the roofs of new houses built on the site of Randell's yard.

GB-REE-1606111739 TownCentre001.pdf
View showing a corner of the Market Place, both churches and Randell's workshops.

GB-REE-1606121548 Reepham Churches.jpg
Aerial photograph from the north west shows both churches and Back Street & Church Street houses with their rear outbuildings. Building works in progress at York House.

GB-REE-1606121611 Roofs.jpg
Low angle photograph (taken from cherry picker) shows roofs of properties in Back Street, Market Place and beyond. Bircham Centre and Bank Building visible.


GB-REE-1606131507 Lower School Road.jpg
From elevated platform at Rookery Farm looking towards the Fire Station.
Rear entrance drive and gardens of The Oaks Back Street. Driveway and wall works in progress at 45 School Road (The Granary).

GB-REE-1606131524 Mkt Pl North East.jpg
Aerial photograph shows Chemist's shop, Old Brewery House, Old Bakery and Melton House. Top of Well Head visible.

2020 The chemist's shop was previously the Chimes Antiques premises and is currently a deli/farm shop

Market Place106.pdf
Aerial photograph shows Bank House (Barclays), Butcher's, Chemist's, The Chimes and Merchants Yard behind


Indenture- photocopy of document followed by transcription.

GB-REE-1606241601 Market Place.jpg
View from St Michael's tower. Postcard inscribed July 1st 1920. No corner window on Bank House. No front door on shop currently butcher's.
Second image with new heading.

GB-REE-1606261607 MktPl Snow.jpg
B&W enlarged photograph from St Michael's tower. Some snow on roofs. Three parked cars. Sign on corner shop wall 'HARDIMENTS STORES'.

GB-REE-1606261622 Mkt Pl.jpg
View from top of St. Michael's tower. Craske's shop sign (previously Riches?) just legible. Looks like Post Box is being emptied. Road markings. Barclays still in Bank House so pre 1991.

GB-REE-1606261646 Mkt Pl.jpg
Barclays now in post-1991 position. The Chimes is an antiques shop.

GB-REE-1607021139 St. Mary's School 1912.jpg
Group photograph of 28 children outside St. Mary's School

GB-REE-1607021453 St. Mary's School 1900s.jpg
Group of 27 children with Master (Richard Cornall) in grounds of St. Mary's School

Tags: ,

GB-REE-1607021527 St. Mary's School Reepham No 2.jpg
Group photograph of 28 children with master and mistress, (Richard Cornall & his wife). Girl in front row holds a board reading 'Reepham No. 2'.

GB-REE-1607021545 St. Mary's School Reepham No 1.jpg
Group photograph of 32 children with Master and School Mistress, (Richard Cornall & his wife). Girl in front row holds a board reading 'Reepham No.1'.

GB-REE-1607041223 St Mary's School 1900s.jpg
St Mary’s School: 37 children with the school master (probably Richard Cornall) and school mistress taken outside the school house, early 1900s.

GB-REE-1607041315 St Mary's School 1900s.jpg
Group photograph of 20 children. One named as Jesse Woods. Modern note on mount Jeff Ramm.
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